When the dark wood fell before me..
She had let herself be caught in his spell.. His warm, muscular embrace, and body which seemed to be perfumed of the earth itself.
"How could I have been so foolish?" She growled to herself.
And all the paths were overgrown..
Aashi Uriana, once a noble Sentry to the gates of the Astral Realm, now existing as something borderline of being mortal. The anguish of her exile was enough to drive her mad.
When the Priests of Pride say there is no other way..
To teach her a "lesson", she was exiled, thrown down to the Physical Plane to be among commonfolk. Her punishment, the Mark of Daten* and raven black wings. Betrayal was unforgivable.
I tilled the sorrows of stone..
A tear slid down the face of the fallen.
"Does this make you happy?! To see me whither away among those who could only dream of my former existence?"
The woman's voice could scarcely be heard by even herself, but the rage had been suppressed far too long...
I did not believe because I could not see..
She had never expected to find a mortal that could, for some time, make her forget the crime she had committed.
Though you came to me in the night..
His name was Eiko.
When the dawn seemed forever lost..
A man of honor, yet of a similar existence. One of tragedy and suffering... Yet the man was so caring and gentle.
You showed me your love in the light of the stars..
"I cannot risk this again... He does not love me.. He couldn't!"
Though the two had been together for months, Aashi's fears reigned supreme in the back of her mind. She could not afford another error.
Cast your eyes on the Ocean...
From the grove where she sat, the sea of the Nexus could be seen. This was the place the former Sentry went to be alone... To think things through, which was the exact thing she was doing.
Cast your soul to the Sea...
Leaning against a tree, she continued to think. How was it that Eiko could feel this way after knowing her for a short time?
When the dark night seems endless...
The night was cold; yet there was no wind. The air of summer usually made the Nexus very warm, but tonight, Aashi was chilled to the bone. Why has this happened?
Please remember me.
She couldn't find the answer... She didn't know why... But she knew that she could never forget the kindness of the man whose name meant Honor.
Then the mountain rose before me..
More than once, he had found Aashi in this spot, alone in thought. All those times, Eiko had succeeded in getting to her speak her mind. This time was different; it had to be different.
By the deep well of Desire..
A fallen, the source of all ridicule and disgrace among the heavens, in love with a man of Demon, Jurai, Human, Saiya-Jin, Dragon, and Angel blood. He seemed to want nothing more than to see her happy.
From the fountain of Forgiveness..
"Gomen nasai Eiko-san... Gomen nasai.."
Aashi wanted to stay with him, but her fears of committing another crime against the Heavens prevented anything from getting close to her.
Beyond the ice and the fire..
This night, a choice had to be made... To continue living alone, in hopes of redemmption, or to sacrifice her hope for happiness with Eiko.
Cast your eyes on the Ocean..
Once more, the former Angel gazed upon the ocean of the Nexus. This time, she had come up with a possible answer...
Cast your soul to the Sea..
She wanted to die.
When the dark night seems endless..
If her life did not exist any longer, then Eiko could go on with his, and be happy. But would he really be happy?
Please remember me...
Would Eiko remember the times they shared if she was to end her life?
Though we share this humble path, alone..
The two had met in the forest of the Nexus, but on not-so-friendly terms. Both had let pride get in the way, but eventually surrendered to the powers of curiousity.
How fragile is the heart..
Despite many problems, both had found their way into each other's hearts.
Oh give these clay feet wings to fly..
Many times, Aashi had tried to leave the warrior's side, but each time, he would come to persuade her back.
To touch the face of the stars..
"If only I could be back on the Astral Plane.. This would not have happened then..."
Breathe life in to this feeble heart.."
Her body shook, barely able to move due to the weight of stress and emotion.
Lift this mortal veil of fear..
Though barely a whisper, she spoke... But to who? The Fallen was alone, wasn't she?
Take these crumbled hopes, etched with tears..
He was there, but she had not heard him come. The only notion she would have after his voice, was the hand now on her shoulder.
We'll rise above these Earthly cares..
His look was one of sincere distress and concern.
Cast your eyes on the Ocean..
Aashi stood up, both alarmed and slightly angered.
"Eiko-san.. Why are you here?"
Her blue eyes swirled with a deep violet inner glow as she took a small step away from the man who came to seek her out.
Cast your soul to the Sea..
"Aashi... What thoughts plague your mind that you cannot bring up to me?"
Patiently, he waited, his own emrald green eyes trying to search the expressions and surface thoughts of the one he loved. There was nothing.
When the dark night seems endless..
"There is nothing."
That was the only answer he would get from the Fallen before she turned her back to him.
Please remember me...
With her back still to Eiko, she held her staff tightly in her hands; eyes closed just as tight, the words struggling to escape.
"Gomen nasai..."
Please remember me...
In one fell swoop, the staff was raised, then slammed to the ground, shattering Auroura. With it, Aashi's life force. Her final words before losing consciousness: